Fredrick Douglass Analysis Essay

Zach Maly
Mrs. Wiersig

The Ways of Trickery

In the book “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass” written by Frederick Douglass himself, he describes his life experiences when in slavery and everything he saw, felt, or heard. Douglass demonstrates many successes that were achieved through trickery from events like with Colonel Lloyd, trying to escape, and with Mr. Covey.
Douglass’ first account of trickery occurs at Colonel Lloyd’s plantation which reveals the cruelty of deprivation. Colonel Lloyd’s plantation was possibly his worst plantation in relation to masters and experiences. The first sign of trickery was not by Colonel Lloyd himself, but it was by Colonel Lloyd and the plantation’s gardener. The Colonel’s plantation has its own garden, and in this garden is fresh and ripe fruit that tempt and drive the slaves to steal its fruit. Rather than whipping the slaves on hand the two devise a plan: “ The last and most successful one was that of tarring the fence all around; after which, if as slave was caught with and tar upon his person it was deemed sufficient proof that he had either been into the garden , or had tried to get in”(32). This trickery paints the picture of how the slaveholders demolish the slaves habits, not just by confronting them with the whip, but also by tricking them into thinking their master didn’t know that they were taking from his garden and drew the slaves into a trap. Then with the same master, Colonel Lloyd, there was another scene of trickery that he did not witness, but was told of the incident “ It is reported of him, that, while riding along the road one day, he met a colored man, and addressed him in the usual manner of speaking to people on the public highways of the south “ Well, boy, whom do you belong to?” “ To Colonel Lloyd” replied the slave. “Well does the Colonel treat you well?(34). This event shows that even after finding out he was his slave, he tricks the slave into thinking he wasn’t his master and used that to find out what he thought of him. This demonstrates the idea that Colonel Lloyd is sneaky in the ways he uses his trickery and does it in a way that he uses it to achieve a task in a less obvious way. Then another possible sight of trickery happened with Colonel Lloyd and the stable slave watcher, Barney. When you think of watching over a horse you’d think it would be easy; feed it, give it water, clean it, and ride it. “ But it was by no means an easy employment; for in nothing was Colonel Lloyd more particular than in the management of his horses”(33). The reason Colonel Lloyd’s pickiness made it hard was because all the caring for the horse had to be precise for the horses, but another contribution is that Colonel Lloyd’s attitude could effect what he thought about his horses to make it tougher of a employment, as he becomes even more picky and more harsh with his horses when dealing with an unhappy attitude towards all the slaves. These observations that Douglass experiences helps him realize that even he could possibly achieve tasks through trickery and use it on other people.
After Douglass witnesses the use of trickery by Colonel Lloyd, he decides to use it himself when he attempts his escape from slavery. Douglass is able to devise a plan of escape thanks to his knowledge and ability to read and write. For instance, he puts the ability to full use as it plays an important role when he uses this in his attempt at escape. “ The week before our intended start, I wrote several protections, one for each of us”(94). Now, the reason the little letters or notes are so important is because for any slave to be able to travel alone by themselves, they needed a signed letter by their masters to approve of their travel. The way Douglass is able to accomplish this deception is by simply writing a letter with his master’s signature at the end. “ This is to certify that I, the undersigned, have given the bearer, my servant, full liberty to go to Baltimore, and spend the Easter holidays. Written with mine own hand,&c., 1835 ‘ William Hamilton”(94) Frederick Douglass writes these letters not as a formal use, but as a precautionary use which shows Douglass’ determination and will to escape and that he is willing to trick or deceive others to do so. Because the slaves hope they will not get caught and hope they do not get accused as runaway slaves, they use notes as a precautionary use. The reason being caught is low in their mind is because of the escape route they are taking may cause people to think of them as someone else. “ Our reason for taking the water route was, that we were less liable to be suspected as runaways; we hoped to be regarded as fishermen”(94). This idea as being thought of differently to what slaves really are shows how Douglass took the idea of trickery and turned it into a positive action for his attempted escape. He shows in this action how he uses trickery to try and achieve a life-changing task.
Douglass is laid into the hands of trickery once again when he is sent to Mr. Covey, whose characteristics show the strong existence of trickery. Douglass watches and analyzes Mr. Covey’s use of trickery to achieve certain tasks. In fact, Douglass observes Mr. Covey enough that he finds out that in Mr. Covey, trickery is his main trait, “ Mr. Covey forte consisted in his power to deceive”(73). Douglass’ observation displays the way that some slaveholders used trickery enough to where it became a characteristic in their person . This use of trickery exposes Master Covey’s character and shows the keen observations of Douglass to the he has in his lifetime. For example, Mr. Covey deceived the slaves he owned at the time by giving them enough food to eat, while addressing them to eat it in little amounts of time to where they were eating just as much as before “ Mr. Covey gave us enough to eath, but scarce time to eat it”(72). This shows the deceiving nature of one man to his slaves and how he makes his slaves be happy for one item but not give them the ability to use it completely. The actions of trickery can be used in a way that can demolish the person’s hope of happiness. Douglass states that in Mr. Covey, there was an arrogant thought in him “ He seemed to think himself equal to deceiving the Almighty”(73). With the statement by Mr. Covey, he glorifies himself as equal to the Almighty. Therefore, Douglass realizes the strength of trickery and how everyone could use in their own escape or work, and that Mr. Covey uses it in almost every situation to where it has become a strong characteristic of the man.
Douglass’ recall of his last experience with Mr. Covey identifies the characteristics of trickery to be able to use it in his favor. Douglass uses trickery in his life so many times in which most are used in the attempt at escape. The time that Douglass did not just witness trickery was when he used it himself to try and escape. The way he did this was in the tie that he wrote a letter saying Douglass and his other servant friends were allowed to travel somewhere they were not allowed at. Therefore, Douglass’ experiences with people using trickery to achieve any unbearable task that he faces and must conquer to advance in his life.

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